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Thursday, February 28, 2019

Anti Pit Bull Lobby Attacking victims again - Rosa King.....

Rosa King is attacking & stalking the family of an 88 year old dog attack victim....

Rosa King's post in The Pit bull Problem.....

Link to source of Rosa's screenshot on the victims nephews Facebook page.....

The post the victim was responding to.....

Link to News5 post....... Elderly woman killed in dog attack

The first comment is by the victims family.....

The content.....

"Bradley Brown Let me start by saying I am not a fan of dogs in general. Never have been. So I have no personal affinity towards pit bulls. Let me also continue by saying that Jill was my great Aunt, my grandfather Glen Brown's sister. She was not mauled by a pit bull; she was brutally killed in her backyard by a pack of six dogs (all mixed breed, no pits) owned by a neighbor. It is already a devastating enough situation without misinformation being spread or no redaction being made by the author of this piece. I would hope that News Channel 5 and its news team edit the original story and state that the original source was in error."

Comments from the anti pit bull lobby which consist mostly of juvenile emotive memes & propaganda.....

Jan Marino....

From Chicago, Illinois

Lew Heifner.....

Mugshot Lew.....


Megan Quarles (Arnold).....

Lew Heifner again with memes.....

Megan Quarles again.....

John Gibbs.....


Colleen Long.....

Lew Heifner.....

Jennifer Nunley (Heifner).....

Lives in Coalmont, Tennessee

Jennifer Nunley.....

Robyn Gayle Jakubiec.....

Lives in Colchester, Connecticut

Jennifer Nunley.....

Elaine Archbold....


Corrie Marnet (Chapp).....

Realtor at Schneider Real Estate

Lew Heifner.....

Lew Heifner..... Adolf Hitler!

Lew Heifner.....

Lew Heifner has failed to respond to my challenge in spite of regularly posting claiming "pit bulls" are responsible for most dbrf's.....

Lew & his antics have been regulars on my blogs exposing the hate follow the link for more.....

I found the post in the pit bull problem & followed it to the News5 post where I made Bradley aware of the hate post.....


"Terry Holt Be prepared to be stalked & attacked by the pit bull haters just like your cousin, they're dangerously delusional....."

Bradley then followed the link to the anti pit bull lobby hate post in "The Pit Bull Problem" which has now been deleted.....

Link to post.....

What Bradley actually said.....

Rosa responded accusing Bradley of a cover up.....

Rosa attacks Bradley's sisters close friend Tiffany.....

Rosa is attacking the victims family members....

Bradley & Tiffany defend themselves.....

The gutless coward admins hide behind their page/group name to attack the victims grieving family members.....

Admins of "The Pit Bull Problem".....

Admins and moderators13

Other media reports on this tragedy.....

An elderly woman was killed in a dog attack in Pickett County.
According to a source, an 88-year-old woman was attacked by one or more dogs and received serious injuries Tuesday evening.
I am checking on the breed of the dog.
She was airlifted to the hospital, but succumbed to her injuries.
No other details about the incident have been released as authorities investigate."

Source..... NickBeresNC5/

Woman dies after dog attack


"Pickett County Sheriff Dana Dowdy has confirmed to the PRESS that an elderly lady has died after being attacked by a pack of dogs.

 The incident occurred yesterday, (Feb. 26th) at around 5:00 p.m. A 911 call was made regarding a dog bite at 161 Evans Lane, in Pall Mall. Sheriff Dowdy stated that Bessie Jill Peterson, age 88, was the victim. She was airlifted from the scene to Vanderbilt Medical Center, but sadly, passed away.

 There were six dogs believed to have been involved that are alleged to belong to a neighbor.

 A Nashville news station released a report stating according to a source, a pit bull had attacked, which is not the case. We wanted to make sure that factual information was being reported to the public as it was available.

 Due to the nature of the situation of circumstances that resulted in her death, there is limited information being released at this time.

 Sheriff Dowdy has requested assistance from the 13th Judicial District Attorney's Office to aid in the investigation."


The pit bull problem members claim to be victims advocates whereas their actions expose their true natures.....

The true irony lays in the fact all these pit bull haters have been formerly challenged to prove any human fatality ever has involved a legitimately papered American Pit Bull Terrier (an actual breed).

To date they haven't been able to do so & I'm still waiting.....


Victims Advocates or Dangerously delusional fanatics?

More to come......


  1. Let me clear a couple of things up. I, Kim Johnson,am the victims great niece. My brother, Bradley Brown, is her great nephew. Tiffany Brake is a good friend of mine. The family is upset with this whole situation because these people are using this as a platform to bash a breed of dog which wasn’t even involved. They are attacking my immediate family because I own 3 APBTs and they feel as if I’m taking the side of the breed over the death of my family member. If APBT were involved, I would have held those specific animals accountable for their actions and not bash the entire breed. As for the Rosa woman, she made assumptions about my family as well as saying my brother was conspiring against the news station for reporting wrong information. Thank you for being an advocate for us. Please change your information to what I stated above so you can be a reliable source as well. Thank you.

    1. Post pics of loose canines at your earliest convenience.

  2. Yikes more brain dead dogsbite followers. Oh but give robyn mentioned here some credit. She raised a whole $10 for a birthday fundraiser for dogsbite. Doesn’t she know that none of those donations go to dog bite survivors? Only into someone’s pocket to pay their bills, wink 😉 wink.

    1. In your pocket? If not,your claim is based on......?

  3. Yawn. Toodle oo, Aussie dullard!

  4. BTW, Terry, did you ever find a new place to live once your mom and sister sold your abode out from under you? I saw your fund me account askinq for bucks for someplace to live.

  5. do you have that blonde chicks number? that is is she doesn't own a shitbull..tia..
