Given Dogsbite dot orgs willingness to deceive the public by mislabeling mixed breed mutts as pit bulls......
Example 1.....
Example 2.....
Example 3.....
When they're not busy mislabeling mutts as "pit bulls" they're attributing deaths to pit bulls in a disrespectful vile attempt to stack statistics....
Dogsbite also misrepresents circumstances in order to to make actual victims look like "demon dogs".....
The post (share) from The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed .....
The group created by Jeff D Borchardt.....
Posted by....
DJuana Jean Flowers
Abi Trewartha
This is yet another example of their twisted lack of logic, this individual is obviously a special kind of stupid.....
The second comment.....
Dora Firmin-Jones
3rd comment.....
Ted Chu
Maybe stop trying to play name games & do some actual research?....
4th comment.....
Carol Miller
Well post your evidence then Carol? #stillwaiting.....
5th comment.....
Matt Riggle
The onus of "proof" lays with the accuser so #putuporshutup.....
6th comment.....
Crystal Kniss Velazquez
Prove it then?....
7th comment.....
Jace Haley
"Symantics"?, seriously? yet another hater demonstrating they're suffering from cognitive dissonance.....
8th comment.....
Jace Haley
Not "News" but a "challenge"..... prove me wrong.....
9th comment.....
Mikhail Iosef
It's not "News" it's a well known fact once again he has nothing.....
10th comment.....
Tony Solesky
Continental Kennel Club.
Both AKC, (American Kennel Club) and CKC, (Continental Kennel Club) are companies/clubs that register purebreds.
AKC has more qualifications that have to be met in order to register a purebred than CKC. ... (They will not turn them away because they are a cross breed of two purebreds.)
11 th comment......
Staci Beringer
Staci doesn't even bother with trying to prove me wrong but launches into a personal attack indicating she has nothing but propaganda & disinformation .....
12th comment.....
Kelly Cunningham Babbit
13th comment.....
Kaylha Janine
14th comment.....
Bob Vilda
15th comment.....
Marie McGrath
16th comment.....
Meagan Dozier
17th comment.....
Michael Johnson
18th comment .....
MichaĆ Piotr
19th comment......
Pamela Lee Becking
The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a medium-sized, short-coated breed of dog of Englishlineage
Despite the legal status of the term "pit bull" and its popular concept, some conservative professional breeders of the American Pit Bull Terrier as well as some experts and supporters claim that historically the APBT is the only true "pit bull" and the only breed that would be denominated as such.
20th comment.....
Cara Vandy
is in Camden, New Jersey.
RIP Mia......
"One troubling aspect of this story is the size of the dog, which according to authorities weighed in at about 130 pounds, whereas typical pit bulls only weight about 80 pounds."
Source..... Investigation-into-mia-derouen's-death
"But the death of Mia DeRouen has raised a heated debate about the dog's breed.
Ken Foster, with The Sula Foundation, a nonprofit organization promoting responsible pit bull ownership throughout New Orleans, said the dog is listed as an "American Bully" on the site"
Source..... breed-of-dog-blamed-in-child-s-death-being-scrutinized
"Animal experts said due to the dog's size, it's unlikely Niko was a full pit bull, more likely, the dog was an American Bully."
Source..... dog-that-killed-4-year-old-girl
"A 130lb dog which mauled a four-year-old girl to death may have been the offspring of an 'inbred' breeding pet with more than 200 descendants.
Users of online breeding forums claimed Niko, the 'monster' dog shot dead by police in Houma, Louisiana, after killing Mia Derouen, was the offspring of an American bully called Kimbo.
An unconfirmed online profile said Kimbo was inbred, while an owner of one of the dog's sons claimed he had also been savagely attacked while out swimming, according to reports by the Times-Picayune in New Orleans."
Source..... 130lb-monster-killed-owners-daughter-four-inbred
"The Breed Matters" shared the post from "The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed" adding some narrative of their own.....
The Breed Matters
2nd comment.....
Archibald Haddick
So as to preempt any of the anti pit bull activists typically trotting out the tragic incident involving John P Colby's nephew......
As you can see Dogsbite claims the dog involved was a #pitbull but obviously typically did no research prior to publishing & they have refused to adjust their article which is clearly misleading, It's a little known fact that John P Colby also kept Boston Terriers.....
Boston Pictures 1900's
It's blatantly obvious the people working at Dogsbite are either below average intelligence or they're intentionally misleading the public.....
Actually only one of the dogs was proven to have been involved, the dogs were crated but had been released by the victim in spite of being expressly forbidden from releasing the dogs without an adult present (below)....
Once again in spite of the evidence Dogsbite still insists the dogs were #pitbulls.....
As you can see this yet another example of Dogsbite dot orgs "statistics" & the level of deception involved the bottom comment is from the dog owner when she decided to keep the pup involved, it was a mutt (above).....
RIP Tyler.....
Dogsbite plunders community donations to pay Merrit Clifton for all their fake statistics bare in mind Merrit's had absolutely no training or education in either data collection or data correlation & it's extremely evident in his "work".....
Merrit Clifton is the editor of Animals 24-7 his "work" has been extensively debunked with Radio Canada exposing his shortcomings.....
"Dog bite statistics from anti-pitbull groups are frequently cited in the Canadian and US media as reliable sources. These data are, however, very far from reality.
The two groups in question, Animals 24-7 and, are openly campaigning for the banning of pitbulls. They regularly publish statistics on deaths and bites caused by dogs. However, their data represents only a tiny portion of the serious attacks, and those of Animals 24-7 have several errors.
A tiny portion of serious attacks
The author of Animals 24-7, Merritt Clifton, publishes annual data on the number of dog attacks in Canada and the United States. The group's most recent report claims to account for almost all serious attacks between September 1982 and September 2016, a 34-year period. Clifton says he collects his data only from the media, but claims to have a comprehensive picture of the situation.
According to this report, of the 34 years studied, there were 5756 dog attacks causing serious injuries, 4194 attacks mutilating or disfiguring the victim, and 652 deaths. The author defines serious attacks as those where the victim has been killed, mutilated, or suffered injuries that require extensive medical care. According to these same data, pit bull dogs are responsible for 78% of serious attacks, 70% of attacks that mutilated or disfigured the victim, and 53% of deaths.
As a result, there would be an average of 169 serious attacks per year and 19 deaths in Canada and the United States.
But these figures are very far from reality.
However, in a single year, more people have been hospitalized for serious injuries by dogs than Animals 24-7 has accounted for in 34 years.
Data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons goes in the same direction. In 2015, in the United States, there were 28 079 dog bite reconstructive surgeries, and in 2000, this number was 43 089. It should be noted that the same person may undergo more than one surgery for the same injury.
This large gap between Animals 24-7 data and reality can be explained, among other things, by the fact that the majority of dog attacks are not publicized. Animals 24-7 manager Merritt Clifton indicated by email that it is possible that a few serious injuries have been missed.
DogsBite dot org, for its part, regularly publishes Animals 24-7 figures, in addition to keeping its own list of incidents. DogsBite dot org's founder, Colleen Lynn, herself a bite victim, says her site does not claim to list all serious dog bites, but lists the majority of deaths. She also indicates that her site is not based solely on the media, but also draws its data from other sources, such as police reports, and that its site sometimes publishes cases that have not been mentioned in the media."
Merrit has teamed up with Colleen Lynn & Jeff Borchardt.....
Example of Dogsbite fake news......
The fact is anti pit bull activists demonstrate just how thick skinned they are knowingly using fear mongering, disinformation & lies to cause the extinction of pit bulls by whatever means necessary.....
Well Colleen, Jeff & Merrit here's your chance to prove me wrong by proving any dog bite fatalities ever involved a legitimately papered American pit bull terrier.....
Considering you claim that 71% of Dbrf's have involved "pit bulls" you must be able to prove one of them actually was a legitimately papered American pit bull terrier?
I'll be waiting for you all to #putuporshutup .....
More to come......
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