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Friday, April 20, 2018

Why banning pit bulls is not the answer

3 PitBulls, BSL and ‘Breed-ism’

Why Banning is NOT The Answer

All Pit Bulls Are Dangerous, Right? WRONG!

There is also clear evidence of media bias – they will report a dog bite from a mixed breed dog (by wrongly pretending it’s a ‘Pit Bull’!) but won’t report bites from other breeds. ANY dog can bite! There is clear scientific evidence that Pit Bulls don’t bite more often than other breeds.
This is not a Pit Bull!
3 old time bulldogs

So What’s Breed Specific Legislation? (BSL)

This is not a Pit Bull! Politicians respond to media – so they have been mislead. They have introduced Breed Specific Legislation (BSL), to eliminate certain breeds – pretending that this will stop dog bites. Not only is this WRONG, it’s actually more dangerous, because the public wrongly believes that dog bites will stop.

Why is Breed Specific Legislation Wrong? It’s wrong because: –

It doesn’t stop dog bites. All breeds bite – It results in completely innocent, happy, well adjusted pets owned by responsible owners being destroyed for NO reason other than the way the pet looks – Inspectors charged with ‘identifying’ Pit Bulls often get it wrong – and another innocent pet is destroyed, with families grieving the loss of a beautiful pet. – BSL has been shown NOT TO WORK in many

This is not a Pit Bull!


Countries around the world. –

BSL leads to ‘breed creep’, encouraging politicians to add more and more dogs to the list, including breeds like Maltese, Australian Cattle Dogs, and German Shepherds! – BSL does NOTHING to stop irresponsible owners being irresponsible, or just changing to another breed! So What Causes Dog Bites?

There are many reasons why a dog might bite –

a child screaming, a teenager banging on the fence every day, protecting a food bowl, even playing ‘too rough’. Science has proven that all breeds bite, and the number of bites is also related to which breeds are popular. BUT the most common reason dogs bite is that they haven’t been trained by their owners, or they are allowed to roam and claim ‘territory’, in other words, IRRESPONSIBLE OWNERS!

Can We Identify A ‘Dangerous Owner’?

Science suggests we can – sort of. A US study found that an owner of a Dangerous Dog was more likely to be male, over 36 years of age, who did not desex his dog, and who kept his dog or guard or yard dogs rather than as a pet. The dog bites are usually to his own children or their friends in a private home. So there are some clear messages about training dogs, desexing dogs and teaching children about handling dogs.


This data also says

If we remove this guy’s breed of choice by killing it, he will just switch to a new breed. Ministers Involved in Animal Cruelty?! If a Politician imposed this kind of legislation on a Red Kelpie, they would be accused of animal cruelty by forcing the killing of innocent dogs.

The public would rise up

In defence of responsible dog ownership, and your right to choose the dog that best suits your family. So how come the Politicians get away with this for these dogs? This is not a Pit Bull! So What DO We Do To Stop Dog Bites? Punish the Deed, NOT the Breed!

breeds of dogs involved in fatalities from dbo

In other words,

We punish ONLY those dogs from ANY breed that are dangerous, and leave the innocent dogs owned by responsible owners alone! – All States and Territories have Dangerous Dog legislation – and this should be used as a suitable alternative to killing a whole breed regardless of whether the dogs are safe or not.

 Educate kids on how to approach and behave around a dog –

Educate adults on what it means to be a responsible dog owner – Collect accurate statistics so we know who is actually doing what, to whom. – Use a checklist to identify ‘at risk’ dogs of any breed. – Desex your dog! Offering low cost desexing has been found to reduce bites, & euthanasia too. – Punish the Owner, NOT the Breed. Owners should be held legally responsible for allowing their dog to bite a person so badly that the person requires medical attention. – Punish the Breed, NOT the Breed.


Any pet that bites to the extent that a person needs medical attention should be at least declares Dangerous, and at worst humanely euthanased. Tell Your Policitians to Stop Listening to Hysterical Media And Listen To YOU! Write, email, text of visit your elected representatives and tell them that it’s DEED NOT BREED.

You can find their email addresses on the web,

or contact Pets Australia and they will help. YOU CAN HELP SAVE INNOCENT PETS BY GETTING THE PEOPLE YOU ELECT TO CONCENTRATE ON IRRESPONSIBLE OWNERS. WRITE OR CALL TODAY! This is a Pit Bull – that lives innocently with 3 kids and a responsible owner. Should it be destroyed just because of the way it looks?

This advice is of a general nature and is not a substitute for professional assistance. © Pets Australia 2012 Become a member of Pets Australia today! 

Produced by Pets Australia Pty Limited ABN 79 141 473 958 PO Box 176 Pymble NSW 2073

More to come.....

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