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Sunday, December 30, 2018

Dog bite injuries to humans and the use of breed-specific legislation.....

A comparison of bites from legislated and non-legislated dog breeds.....

The primary objective of this study was to investigate if differences in dog bite characteristics exist amongst legislated and non-legislated dog breeds listed under breed-specific legislation in Ireland (age when bitten, anatomical bite locations, triggers for biting, victim’s relationship with the dog, geographical location and owner presence, history of aggression, reporting bite incident to authorities, medical treatment required following the bite, and type of bite inflicted). 

A second objective of the current study was to investigate dog control officer’s enforcement and perceptions of current legislation. Data for statistical analyses were collated through a nationally advertised survey, with Pearson Chi-square and Fisher’s Exact Test statistical methods employed for analyses. A total of 140 incident surveys were assessed comprising of non-legislated (n = 100) and legislated (n = 40) dog bite incidents.

Legislated breeds were significantly more likely to be perceived as aggressive and less fearful as triggers for biting compared to non-legislated breeds (P = 0.003). Non-legislated breeds were more likely to inflict a bite with the owner present on own property and on a business premises compared to legislated breeds (P = 0.036). Non-legislated breeds were more likely to not be reported to the authorities before (P = 0.009), and after (P = 0.032) the bite occurred compared to legislated breeds. 

There were no significant differences observed between both groups for; age when the victim was bitten, bite location, relationship with the dog, history of aggression, outcome for the dog, if the dog bit again, and seeing a professional trainer or behaviorist. No significant difference was observed between both legislated and non-legislated groups for medical treatment required following the bite, and the type of bite inflicted.

The present study results did not observe evidence of any differences between legislated and non-legislated for both the medical treatment to victims required following the bite, and the type of bite inflicted. 
The significant differences in bites being reported to authorities, perceived triggers for biting, and biting locations suggests distinctly differing perceptions relating to risk between legislated and non-legislated dog breeds. 
Further consequences relating to the introduction of breed-specific legislation in Ireland are discussed.

Type of bite and medical treatment required

Regarding type of bite, neither legislated breeds nor non-legislated breeds were more likely than the other to inflict a differing bite type with greater severity (P = 0.604; see Table 
Table5).5). In addition, neither legislated breeds nor non-legislated breeds were more likely to inflict a bite requiring greater medical attention than the other (P = 0.122; see Table Table55).

No significant difference was observed between legislated and non-legislated dog breeds for the medical attention required following a bite. In addition, no significant difference was observed between legislated and non-legislated breeds for the type of bite inflicted. 

In other words, legislated breeds were found not to have a greater likelihood of inflicting greater injury and a differing bite type compared to non-legislated breeds. While a greater ability to inflict bites of greater severity and requiring more medical attention is frequently attributed to legislated breeds, these results do not provide evidence in support of these assertions.

It is important to not understate the potential knock-on effect targeting dog breeds may have. Assumptions about the supposed ‘aggressive’ or ‘able to inflict greater injury’ nature of legislated breeds or the ‘less capable of inflicting significant injury’ or ‘docile’ temperament of non-legislated breeds, may be associated with differing interactions across breeds. 

Consider a scenario where a dog begins to bark following encroachment on its personal space by a human. If the dog is a legislated breed, the individual may perceive such behavior as symptomatic of the ‘aggressive nature’ of such breeds. 

On the other hand, the individual may fail to recognize such warning signals from a non-legislated breed. In both instances, the individual may not recognize the trigger, interpret the dog’s behavior correctly, or respond appropriately, thereby increasing the risk of this interaction resulting in the dog biting. 

In other words, the criterion for interacting with a dog may be incorrectly rule governed by its breed rather than actual exhibited behavior, which in turn is being reinforced by the breed-specific legislation.

The present study provides evidence that the targeting of dog breeds as a dog bite mitigation strategy may pose significant negative consequences relating to perceptions of risk and reporting behavior. Its introduction in Ireland poses further wide reaching negative consequences; animal welfare concerns relating to dog pounds not re homing and accepting surrenders of these breeds (see Table 
Table6),6), restrictions affecting disability/assistance dogs, and owner housing restrictions [] among others. 

A legislative dog-bite mitigation strategy whose purpose is to provide safeguards to the public through a reporting system, should avoid putting divisive mechanisms across responsible dog-owner populations. 

Doing so will make the identification of dogs likely to bite difficult and as observed within this study, will lead to a distinct bias in dog bites reported to authorities. The increased perception of threat from specific breeds, and the lack of perceived threat from other breeds are essentially two sides to the same counterproductive coin. 

The increasing trend in dog-bite hospitalizations in Ireland is alarming [], yet unsurprising. Evidence based breed-neutral alternatives exist, which target multi-factorial risk factors, and as such should be enacted []. It is recommended a public policy mechanism which categorizes potentially dangerous dogs based on their exhibited behavior is enacted [].

Similar articles in PubMed

Source..... US National Library of Medicine 
National Institutes of Health
More to come.....

Thursday, December 27, 2018


Veterinarians, their clients, and their clients’ pets in 300 cities and towns in the United States live with special burdens and added costs because of ordinances banning or restricting dogs of one or more breeds and breed mixes. Thirty-six breeds of dogs and mixes of those breeds have been restricted, in various combinations and groupings.

These restrictions and bans compromise the human-animal bond and complicate the professional landscape for veterinarians.

AVMA, the CDC, the National Animal Control Association, the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, and virtually all animal welfare charities oppose breed-specific regulation.

1 AVMA recently released a statement opposing breed discrimination by insurers. There has never been any evidence that breed bans or restrictions contribute to improved public safety. The Netherlands repealed its breed ban last year because, based upon a report from a committee of experts, the ban had not led to any decrease in dog bites.

2 Italy repealed its breed-specific regulations.


As America’s conflict over slavery intensified, public attitudes towards the bloodhound paralleled the increasingly negative attitudes towards the dogs’ most publicized function: slave catching. The depiction of the slave catcher’s dog in stage re-enactments of UNCLE TOM’S CABIN made him an object of dread to ordinary citizens, and an object of attraction to dog owners who wanted dogs for anti-social purposes. As these owners acquired more and more
dogs, serious incidents – and fatalities – associated with dogs identified as bloodhounds became prominent in the public press.

4  In the 20th century, other groups of dogs replaced the bloodhound as objects of dread, most notably the German Shepherd (which, in 1925, a New York City magistrate said should be banned ;5 and which were, in fact, banned in Australia from 1928 until 19736), the Doberman Pinscher (frequently associated with soldiers of the Third Reich), and the Rottweiler (portrayed as the guardian of Satan’s child in the popular 1976 film THE OMEN).


Early in the 20th century, pit bull type dogs enjoyed an excellent popular reputation. An American Bull Terrier had symbolized the United States on a World War One propaganda poster. “Tighe”, a pit bull type dog, had helped sell Buster Brown shoes. Pete the Pup, the “little rascals” pit bull pal of the Our Gang comedies, was the first AKC-registered Staffordshire Terrier (Registration number A-103929).

In 1976, the Federal government amended the Animal Welfare Act to make trafficking in dogs for the purposes of dog fighting a crime. The media focused on the dogs, rather than on the people who fought the dogs; and the dogs made headlines. Monster myths of super-canine powers began to dominate the stories.7 As had happened to the bloodhound, the myths attracted the kind of owners who use dogs for negative functions. Sensationalized, saturation
news reporting of incidents involving dogs called pit bulls, linked them in the public mind almost exclusively with criminal activity.

This small subset of dogs being used for these negative purposes came to define the millions of pit bull type dogs living companionably at home.


The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) attempted to identify the breeds of dogs involved in fatal human attacks. 8 The study period, 1979 – 1998, happened to coincide with the sensationalized media portrayal and resulting notoriety of pit bulls and Rottweilers.4,7 In reporting their findings, the researchers made clear that the breeds of dogs said to be involved in human fatalities had varied over time, pointing out that the period 1975-1980 showed a different distribution of breeds than the later years.8 Subsequently, Karen Delise of the National Canine Research Council reported that, in the decade 1966-1975, fewer than 2% of all dogs involved in fatal attacks in the United States were identified as of the breeds that figured prominently in the CDC study. 4

The CDC has since concluded that their single-vector epidemiological approach did not “identify specific breeds that are most likely to bite or kill, and thus is not appropriate for policy making decisions related to the topic.”1 AVMA has published a statement to the same effect.9 “Dog bite statistics are not statistics, and do not give an accurate representation of dogs that bite.”10 Nevertheless, the questionable data-set covering only one particular 20-year period, and not the researchers’ conclusions and recommendations, is repeatedly cited in legislative forums, in the press, and in the courts to justify breed discrimination.

Dr. Gail Golab of the AVMA, one of the researchers involved in the CDC project, said, “The whole point of our summary was to explain why you can't do that. But the media and the people who want to support their case just don't look at that.”11 The researchers had suspected that media coverage of “newsworthy” breeds could have resulted in “differential ascertainment” of fatalities by breed attribution. Relying on media archives, of the 327 fatalities identified within the 20-year period, the researchers located breed or breed-mix identifications for 238, approximately 72% of the total.

More than 25 breeds of dogs were identified.8 Of those incidents for which the researchers could find no breed attributions (n = 89), Karen Delise of the National Canine Research Council later located breed attributions in 40; and 37 of these cases involved dogs identified as other than Rottweiler and pit bull, a result that confirmed the researchers concerns regarding ”differential ascertainment” of incidents because of breed bias .

12. In addition to the problem of the small, unrepresentative, and incomplete data sets, the researchers expressed concern about the reliability of the breed identifications they had obtained, and were uncertain how to count attacks involving “cross bred” dogs.8 It is  estimated that at least one-half of the dogs in the United States are mixed breed dogs.13  What is the reliability or significance of a visual breed identification of a dog of unknown history
and genetics?

Pit bull is not a breed, but describes a group of dogs that includes American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers, an increasing number of other pure breeds, and an ever-increasing group of dogs that are presumed, on the basis of appearance, to be mixes of one or more of those breeds. Ordinances restricting or banning dogs generally rely on someone’s visual assessment of their physical characteristics.

The modern science of genetics renders a breed label based on visual identification problematic. According to Sue DeNise, vice-president of MMI Genomics, creators the Canine Heritage Breed Test for mixed breed dogs, each test result is furnished to the dog owner with the following proviso: “Your dog’s visual appearance may vary from the listed breed(s) due to the inherent randomness of phenotypic expression in every individual.”

14 Scott and Fuller, in their landmark genetic studies, produced offspring of considerable phenotypic variety from purebred and F1 crosses.
Breed identification of a mixed breed dog based on its phenotype is unscientific, and is likely to be contradicted by a DNA test. A study to be published in the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science points to a substantial discrepancy between visual identifications of dogs by adoption agency personnel and the breeds identified in the same dogs through DNA analysis.

Of 16 mixed breed dogs labeled as being partly a specified breed, in only 25% of these dogs was that breed also detected by DNA analysis. 15


Legislative restrictions range from an outright ban in Denver, Colorado, where, since 1989, thousands of dogs have been seized and killed16; to a regulatory catalog of muzzling, neutering, and confinement mandates that only apply to the regulated group, however defined; and to requirements that owners pay special license fees and maintain higher levels of liability insurance. Apart from statutory requirements, some homeowners’ insurers are imposing special requirements before they will include liability coverage for dogs of certain breeds, or are declining to cover dogs of an increasing number of breeds altogether.

Rental apartments, planned communities, campgrounds, and neighborhood associations impose a wide range of special rules or restrictions regarding many breeds of dogs. In a jurisdiction with breed-specific regulations, veterinarians can easily be drawn into an official controversy. When a police officer in Maquoketa, Iowa identified a dog as a pit bull and served notice on the owner that she had to remove it from the town, the owner appealed to the state Office of Citizen’s Aide/Ombudsman.

The 21- page report that resulted, chronicles the failure to arrive at an agreed-upon breed identification for the dog. Among other documents, the owner produced vaccination certificates from her veterinarian that described
the dog as a “Rott-mix.” The town countered with another veterinarian’s intake form that described the dog as a “pit mix”.17

In January, 2009, the U.S. Department of the Army banned Chows, Rottweilers, pit bulls, wolfhybrids and Doberman Pinschers from all privatized military housing. The previous July, Fort Hood, Texas banned pit bulls and pit bull mixes from government housing. The Fort Hood mission support order specifies that, in the event of a dispute, “the Fort Hood Veterinary Clinic [emphasis mine] will be the deciding authority to determine if a dog is a Pit Bull [sic] cross.”18


In “A Community Approach to Dog bite Prevention,” the AVMA Task Force reported, “An often asked question is what breed or breeds of dogs are ‘most dangerous’? This inquiry can be prompted by a serious attack by a specific dog, or it may be the result of media-driven portrayals of a specific breed as ‘dangerous.’ . . . singling out 1 or 2 breeds for control . . . ignores the true scope of the problem and will not result in a responsible approach to protecting a community’s citizens.”

10 Delise, based upon her study of fatal attacks over the past five decades, has identified poor ownership/management practices involved in the overwhelming majority of these incidents: owners obtaining dogs, and maintaining them as resident dogs outside of the household for purposes other than as family pets (i.e. guarding/protection, fighting, intimidation/status); owners failing to humanely contain, control and maintain their dogs (chained dogs, loose roaming dogs, cases of abuse/neglect); owners failing to knowledgeably supervise interaction between children and dogs; and owners failing to spay or neuter resident dogs not used for competition, show, or in a responsible breeding program.4

Focusing on breed or phenotype diverts attention from strategies veterinarians and other animal experts have consistently identified as contributing to humane and safer communities


In an environment of breed discrimination, the breed identification of a dog can have serious consequences with municipal authorities, animal shelters, landlords, and insurers, all of which will compromise the bond between a family and their dogs. Ordinances may obligate owners with expensive special housing and containment requirements. Owners may even be forced to
choose between sending a beloved family pet away, or surrendering it to be killed.

Veterinarians who attempt to visually identify the breeds that might make up a dog do not derive any benefit from this activity, while the client may hold the veterinarians to the same professional standard as they would with respect to the delivery of medical services.

 It is impossible to breed label dogs of unknown origin and genetics solely on the basis of their appearance. There is so much behavioral variability within each breed, and even more within breed mixes, that we cannot reliably predict a dog’s behavior or suitability based on breed alone. Each dog is an individual. 19 Owners may be influenced as to what behavior to expect from their dog, based upon breed stereotypes.20 Veterinarians must take the lead, and free themselves from stereotypes, in order to better serve their clients, their clients’ animals, and society.


By...... Jane Berkey

More to come.....

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Anti pit bull lobbyist Denise Duirway is terrorizing a rescue group jeopardizing the futures of rescue animals..........

Cam Bellamy allows Denise Duirway to terrorize the members of her "Rescue" group severely compromising the futures of many impounded pets relying on the group to be saved.....

Cam Bellamy at 

Cam Bellamy's management of Rescue Connection  leaves a lot to be desired as she allows one member in particular Denise Duirway to spam the group with anti pit bull propaganda, Denise posts & comments relentlessly baiting her fellow members then reporting their responses this person is literally terrorizing this group & Cam Bellamy seems to be allowing it.

It seems Cam is part of the anti pit bull movement.....

Example sharing anti pit bull propaganda.....

Yet another example.....

It seems Cam is definitely a pit bull hater......

Sharing this type of dangerous disinformation confirms Cam is a pit bull hater.....

After resigning from her position at the rescue she started Cam either became or returned to being a delivery driver & had some issues with a "sketchy pit owner".....

If you combine stress at work from a "sketchy pit owner" with some very crafty mislabeling & a social media saturation of disinformation & a dying media using the term "pit bull" as click bait to trying to hold on to their dwindling reach you can turn Rescuers into haters......

The fact is the dogs were "mixes",

"described as pit bulls or pit bull-mixes,"

Source..... news/detroit//officer_describes

" Lyons, who owned four pit bull mix dogs — two puppies and two adults"


"pack of dogs that fatally mauled "


Dogsbite dot org is not a reliable source because all their statistics come from Merrit Clifton.....

"Indirectly attributed dog deaths
The 24-7 Animals website sometimes considers a person was killed by a pit bull even if the dog was only indirectly involved.
Such cases are classified in the same category as those where the dog bit the victim even when the coroner says the dog was not responsible for the death.
Here are some cases Animals 24-7 considers deaths from pit bulls:
In 2009, Wisconsin, a woman of 55, Louanne Okapal, died after being hit in the face by a horse. The horse was frightened by a pitbull.
In 2009, a woman of 48 years in Connecticut, Teresa Foss, died of a head wound after being hit by a pitbull. The dog had not bitten.
In 2010 a 64 year old man from Texas, Richard Martratt, stabbed a pit bull and shot a Catahoula, because the two dogs had attacked a border collie on his land.
The man was not attacked by the dogs, but the authorities arrived, he collapsed and died of a heart attack."

Denise quotes & promotes dogsbite disinformation attacking anyone exposing Bsl's shortcomings.....

Denise Duirway's Facebook page is littered with anti pit bull propaganda from Animals 24-7 & Dogsbite & associated hate pages/sites.....

Some examples of Denise's posts....

1. Niko & Mia.....

The facts.....

Three days after a dog weighing 130 pounds attacked and killed a 4-year-old girl in Houma, the breed of dog remains unclear.
Ken Foster, with The Sula Foundation, a nonprofit organization promoting responsible pit bull ownership throughout New Orleans, said the dog is listed as an "American Bully" on the site"

"American Pit Bull Terrier

Terrier Group

The goals and purposes of this breed standard include: to furnish guidelines for 
breeders who wish to maintain the quality of their breed and to improve it; to 
advance this breed to a state of similarity throughout the world; and to act as a 
guide for judges.

Height and Weight

The American Pit Bull Terrier must be both powerful and agile; overall balance and
 the correct proportion of weight to height, therefore, is far more important than the
 dog’s actual weight and/or height.

Desirable weight for a mature male in good condition is between 35 and 60 pounds.

Desirable weight for a mature female in good condition is between 30 and 50 pounds
As a general and approximate guideline only, the desirable height range for mature
 males is from 18 to 21 inches at the withers; for mature females it is from 17 to 20 
inches at the withers.

It is important to note that dogs over or under these weight and height ranges are
 not to be penalized unless they are disproportionately massive or rangy.

Very Serious Fault: Excessively large or overly massive dogs and dogs with a height
and/or weight so far from what is desired as to compromise health, structure, 
movement and physical ability."

2. Animal control on speed dial Denise is bragging about getting dog owners fined by her local Animal Control.....

3. Mislabeling mixed breed dogs as "pit bulls".....

The facts.....

"The pooch: It was her very own dog Sinn - a husky-boxer mix - that did the damage, which comes as a shock to fans".


4. The dogs involved in Daxton Borchardt's tragic death were not 'pit bulls" & weren't exactly what I'd call "loved family pets".....

The victim, 14 month old Daxton Borchardt (Rip).....

The dog owner & babysitter has an extensive criminal history.....

The dogs: "Bosston & Penny" taken from their mother prematurely at 4-5 weeks of age.....

Where the dogs lived, "loved family pets" don't live in a pen in the backyard.....

The place the attack allegedly happened, there was 1 & a half feet of snow on the ground plus bare in mind the victims father expressly forbid the babysitter from taking her dogs anywhere near his child.....

The father Jeff Borchardt has a shady history with convictions for drugs & obviously didn't trust the poorly socialized dogs but chose to leave his child with Sussi Iwicki on that fateful day.....

The fact is Bosston & Penny were not actually "pit bulls" according to the Vets reports contained in the Coroners report..... (available on Scribd).....

In summary Jeff has now launched a media campaign under the guise of wanting to raise "Canine Education & Awareness" but secretly seeking to cause the extinction of "pit bulls".....

4. Denise claims the National Pit Bull Victim Awareness organization has over 5 million members which typical is complete nonsense.....

The reality their Facebook page actually has 3,232 likes & 60 of them aren't "following" the page plus I'd argue most of them are fake accounts as there's lucky to be 2-300 pit bull haters worldwide.....

5. Denise secretly photographs parents & children at the local school when collecting her children, the bottom section of her meme is my filtered image which was stolen/hacked from my phone and has since been used in more than 30 different memes all created to ridicule me, my favorite is the one with my head superimposed onto Miley Cyress's body on the wrecking ball promo image.....

6. Denise & her fellow anti pit bull activists are trying to cause the extinction of pit bulls but in reality the pit bull population grows daily due reckless backyard breeders & the dogs popularity yet another example of Denise's propaganda.....

7. Denise also claims that Bosston & Penny were loving family pets in spite of the fact that other than food & toilet breaks they spent 24-7 either in a small crate in the house or a poorly maintained pen in the backyard.....

Denise also claims Bosston & Penny nearly killed the babysitter "Sussi Iwicki" too which once again is utter garbage.....

Sussi Iwicki sustained relatively minor injuries according to the Coroners report indicating she had some bruising to her arms & legs, a scratch on her neck plus a bite to her thumb she was not admitted to hospital leaving within 2 hours.....

Ironically when first interviewed Sussi claimed to not know what breed the dogs were but now has jumped on the anti pit bull band wagon being lead by Colleen Lynn via Dogsbite dot org......

8. False.....

The fact is 27 Countries have either restrictions on Apbt's or outright bans on them & recent times a number of countries have repealed Bsl.....

"Italy In 2009, Italy abolished its breed-specific regulations, which applied to 17 breeds of dogs, in favor of legislation that holds individual dog owners responsible for their dog’s behavior. Italy’s Undersecretary Francesca Martini reported, “The measures adopted in the previous laws had no scientific basis. Dangerous breeds do not exist.”

Great Britain A consultation conducted by Britain’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) confirmed that public sentiment overwhelmingly favors repeal of the UK’s breed-specific law. 88% of the respondents stated that the current legislation is not effective in protecting the public; and 71% called for repeal.iii In a related development, a bill introduced in 2010 to repeal the breedspecific provisions of the UK’s Dangerous Dogs Act has successfully passed its second reading in the House of Lords. Lord Rupert Redesdale’s “Dog Control Act” will make individual owners responsible for their dogs’ behavior.

Netherlands Near the end of 2008, the Dutch government repealed a nationwide ban on pit bulls that had continued for 15 years. v The government had commissioned a study of the ban’s effectiveness, which had revealed that banning a breed of dogs was not a successful dog bite mitigation strategy. Instead, the researchers recommended better education for children and adults on proper interactions with dogs."


 9. Ever since I exposed Denise's when she featured in one of my blogs where I exposed her claims as blatant lies and dangerous disinformation she has consisted attacked me.

Her comment refers to me "pm-ing" Gabrielle Keens employers to make them aware of her true nature following a disturbing post in their group where she was threatening a neighbors pet.....

Excerpt from the blog.....

Gabrielle Keen.....

"If you live in Marton New Zealand and you've just moved into a new house with your family and pets one of which is named "Taser" you may well be in for some strife from your local council or worst case scenario your pets may be poisoned, shot or stabbed by your neighbor across the road, Gabrielle Keen."

Source..... pitbullhaterexposed/gabriellle-keen-plans-to-take-out-her.html

I did not threaten anybody & I have not had any inquiries from the "New Zealand Security Intelligence Service"  & I'm not expecting too.

Denise Daunte = Denise Duirway

Some examples of Denise's activity in the rescue group, Denise Daunte is actually Denise Duirway.....

1. Much like all of the anti pit bull activists Denise's campaign relies heavily & revolves around juvenile memes featuring all types of content matter with everything from victims of dog bites generally children  normally without parental consent to bestiality......

2. Denise antagonizes, baits, torments stalks anyone who  disagrees with her anti pit bull propaganda the majority of the group members have actually blocked her so as to not even see her barrage of spam in the "Rescue" group.

3. Baiting other members she's posted an astronomical amount of comments generally it's the same memes with "copy & paste" rants.....

4. In this comment she's gloating about getting 3 people put in Facebook jail hence they're unable to participate in most of Facebook's features such as commenting & posting & considering most of the group members are active rescuers & cross posters that's pretty nasty & quite possibly costs some dogs there life.....

5. Claiming fellow members have agreed with her when in fact  her spamming is monotonous she just keeps multi post the same memes with copy and paste many have complained about her spamming to no avail as it seems the group admin is anti pit bull......

6. Mislabeling a "large" dog as being a pit bull......

The facts.....

The victims refer to the dog as a "large" dog and American pit bull terriers are not large they're medium sized dogs 65 lbs for a large male.....

Source..... globalnews.richmond-dog-attack

An American pit bull terrier.....

7. Yet another example of the type of memes that form the foundation of the anti pit bull activist campaign where they regularly compare "pit bulls" to all sorts of different wild animals  in their simplistic but relentless social media propaganda driven hate campaign  .....

8. Mislabeling mutts as pit bulls & please note her use of the term "power breeds" they're not just going after "pit bulls" they're long term goal is to cause the extinction of all large dogs & the story about the child in Germany did not  "just happen" it was actually post on her Denise Duirway page 9 or so months ago, oh & the dog was a mutt typically #notapitbull.....

The same story on Denise Duirways page posted in March....

The truth.....

"The breed of the dog remains unclear. A police spokeswoman described the animal as a Staffordshire mix while shelter staff referred to a boxer mix, ."


9. She generalizes and attacks all pit bull owners as a group all based on the actions of the negligent owners that allow there dogs to get into a situation where they bite and/or attack, intentionally baiting the other members of the group with the ploy of causing them to lose their cool and post something she can then report to Facebook and have them taken out of play for 30 days.

She screenshots her own comments from her fake profiles.....

10. Screenshot ting babies to use as pawns while playing the victim claiming to have been threatened & pronouncing she's reported the parents to Child protective services, all this is in a "Rescue" group?....

Then we have ..... Denise Dauntless

1. The dog is actually a " Dogo Argentina" & you can bet that Denise knows that & maintains the anti pit bull activists myth that anyone of average intelligence can identify a "pit bull" indicating she's intentionally lying....

The facts.....

Various breeds of large dogs from the book series “Little Kids and their Big Dogs”
Little Aurora and her snowy Aires with a jet engine! 

Link to original post.....  Variety of breeds from "Little Kids and their Big Dogs" books — with Denise Flaim.

2. In this post she rambles about some of my Facebook pages & it seems her panties really are in a bunch willingly lying & misrepresenting the true nature of my pages which all expose her lies and disinformation.....

The facts..... Denise attacks anyone that exposes her lies & disinformation, please check out our page, "The Anti Breedism Alliance" for yourselves.

And as for "Nanny Dogs" many different breeds & types of dogs have been referred to as "Nanny Dogs" & we think that it bares little to no influence on the level or rate of dog bite related fatalities therefore it's a mute point.


Micheal Vick brutally murdered hundreds of dogs & I think anyone associated with him is garbage just like him.

4. Denise attacking attacking a fellow member after the individual posted some pictures while travelling in her car with her pet while it's obviously using her fixed in car camera by simply spinning it 180 degrees to film in the cab hands free.

Denise throws in one of NPBVA's many, many, propaganda memes.....

5. Again gloating and antagonizing her fellow members all the while she's playing the victim.

What sort of admin allows their members to get disrespected and abused in this way while masquerading as a "Rescue" orientated group.

An irresponsible & reckless admin who obviously cares more for killing pit bulls then actually helping animals mostly in dire need in order to avoid being put to sleep nearly a million pets are killed in shelters in America on average each year & this woman is contributing to that she has blood on her hands.....

6. If that's truly the case she 100% sure that these animals can be controlled having done it herself for 30 odd years so surely Denise you can confirm the majority of the fault in relation to dog attacks lays clearly on the shoulders of the individual supposedly in control/charge of the dog (like the owner) after all big pit bulls are 65 lb maximum & you're claiming to have previously handled 300 lb dogs?

7. Not a lot to say abut this one it speaks for itself this type of meme is the foundation stone of their hate campaign using Guerrilla type tactics including a lot of fake Facebook accounts......

8. This is the screenshot refereed to earlier where Denise is threatening a fellow group member saying she's reporting her to the police this woman is totally out of control on a massive power trip assisted 100% by Cam Bellamy's willingness to allow this type of behavior.....

9. As I've mentioned Denise has absolutely spammed every post completely molesting the intention of the group turning into her own little play pen where she terrorizes anyone that exposes her inept opinions in relation to pit bulls specifically but dogs as a whole with her relentless posting of her memes and their accompanying "copy & pastes".....

In this posts she bragging about getting an award from Facebook the "Rising star" unfortunately in spite of the volumes she's posted and the award there's not one post from her in relation to help rescue and dog or cat.

Everything she posts takes the form of a high school taunt intentionally meant to prompt a response how can you claim to care about animals and act this way in a rescue group.....

10. as I've said all of this is taking place in a "rescue" group playing silly buggars acting like a juvenile bully is typical of most breed specific legislation proponents.....

11. And it was only a matter of time out comes the bestiality these people are truly depraved individuals, sick sick sick.....

Scrolling through the group researching then creating this blog I noticed on a lot of posts the name of the person that posted was not blue and was a dull light grey and your cursor doesn't turn to pointer when you hover above it indicating they'd left the group.

A number of members claim to have tried to contact the group admin for help  but Cam hasn't been active in the group for months and seems to have abandoned the group seemingly having lost her will to actually help animals leaving the group members at the mercy of Denise.

A member recently posted asking for Cam to please remove the troll......

Then more recently another members posts asking for Cam to lease remove the Denise's......

A member of Rescue Connection contacted me in relation to Denise's most recent attack on our Facebook page where she claims I'm a "dogfighter" from Brisbane neither is true.....

Denise Duirway stalked my Facebook profile after featuring in one of my blogs as this comment featured my name I able to have it removed.....

Denise claims to have had 30 years of experience with large dogs but her posts indicate she's either a liar or just plain stupid if she thinks anyone's buying that crap.....

In closing please be advised due to Cams willingness to allow the corruption of "Rescue Connection" we've created a new group to escape the Denises spam raids & reporting sprees to concentrate on rescue, hope to see you there.....

The Rescue Connection

More to come.....